
We have shot the FW/17 on Thursday. "And so what?" you will be thinking. Well, on Thursday in Verona there is the local market, where I used to buy veggies and fruits for my family. Therefore, that morning I went there and I bought fruit and veggies that would have matched the colours of the collection.
Autumn was totally in the air.
Make it simple, keep it natural.

Wear the elegance without turning down convenience.
Summer. 2 new models and an extremely soft bovine leather.
FiluFilu has always given importance to convenience and then, over the years, it has reached the elegance.
A small bag is not necessary inconvenient. And this collection proved it.
Keep it
We have shot the FW/17 on Thursday. "And so what?" you will be thinking. Well, on Thursday in Verona there is the local market, where I used to buy veggies and fruits for my family. Therefore, that morning I went there and I bought fruit and veggies that would have matched the colours of the collection.
Autumn was totally in the air.
Make it simple, keep it natural.

Chapter 1
The SS/17 collection is a milestone to me. It rapresents the first time we went online. It's the beginning of this adventure.